
Novels by Lena Clare Cook

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I’m so glad you stopped by! My name is Lena Cook, and I’m a Catholic wife, homeschool graduate, and avid fiction writer living in the beautiful American West.

The little world of my passion for writing budded from the roots of my cherished Faith, was fostered in the loving environment of my family homeschool, and grows with me. Writing is both a work and a play, a trudge and a dance, a place I can see dreams come true and process pain. It is a love I could talk about endlessly to anyone who’d listen…which is kind of the point of this blog!

So what exactly will you find here?

Firstly, you’ll find any published fiction of mine that is available for purchase online, as well as little pieces of my fiction shared right here for your (I hope!) pleasure! I’ll also be blogging about the writing process itself…things I’m learning…inspirations…difficulties…the beautiful journey that happens all around the actual journey of a story.

So what do I write about?

After all, fiction is a broad term…but then again, I’ve never been able to confine myself to one genre. I’ve spent countless hours working on anything from poems to short stories to novels, in genres from fantasy to Western to Catholic fiction to historical fiction! Everything ends up being a drama somehow…

I guess the most honest answer is, I write the stories that come…the real stories…the honest ones. I always strive to please God in what I write, in purity, honesty, and wholesomeness. That also doesn’t mean I shy away from the heavy, the dark, or the painful. For me, when it comes to writing, character is everything–and so is honesty. I put more elbow grease into character development than into any other aspect of a story…maybe because I love people. Maybe because, whatever the world tells us, whatever we tell ourselves, we are all in need of change. And real growth can only come by going through pain to find light and healing on the other side. Therein lies the great story of the Cross, the wellspring of every story worth telling. Therein lies the story I ache to tell.


May God bless you, and thank you for stopping by! I hope you may find a story worth reading.

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